
**Just notes for now**

– diagnostic (enhanced version of Initial Contact Form -> Qualtrics?)
– downloads (thematic explainers – pdf’s and videos >> 12 hours support)
– innovation funding opportunities & sources
– how to prepare a successful innovation finding proposal
– how to work with a university/research institution

So is this describing is the process we want them to go through with us and broader? Copy I used to explain how BDMs work- may use this in the Our service standards

How our business engagement team works with businesses:

  • Listening to the needs of each business
  • Sourcing skills and expertise from across the University
  • Giving advice on and arranging solutions, such as free, part-funded or funded research and development opportunities
  • Welcoming businesses into our office space/hot desks/lab space
  • Arranging for the use of appropriate scientific equipment
  • Co-ordinating & writing funding applications
  • Signposting to colleagues and our partner organisations for additional resources

Useful Links